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Author – Speaker – Investor

Sam Saggers

Investors Helped

Property Deals

billion dollars in real estate


About Sam

Sam Saggers grew up the poorest kid in the richest suburb of Sydney. But that’s a story for another day (which he unpacks on episode one). Sam’s work in real estate is rather unmatched; he has helped over 7500 property investors get a leg up in real estate through his work as a property investor.

Over the past 26 years, Sam secured over 10000 property investments totaling over 5.7 billion dollars for his clientele creating over $785,000,000 income for them.

Today, Sam shares his insights to others as an elder on wealth creation, the urban behavioural economy and future trends in real estate, urbanity and business. He is a world-class keynote speaker, a master of business, a futurist and best-selling author. Sam is a dedicated property investor both personally and professionally.


The Urban Property Investor

The Urban Property Investor podcast with host Sam Saggers brings together the latest news, strategies and ideas to help grow your personal wealth from investing in real estate. With a major premise to help you join the 1% of people who achieve financial independence, Sam Saggers advocates ways to replace your income, invest in property and retire rich using trends that form part of the urban landscape.


Latest Episodes

UPI 212 – The Economics Of Trump 2.0

Donald Trump could very well become President of the United States again with Joe Biden dropping out, what does this mean for Australia’s economy?
This episode we go through the economics of Trump 2.0 and assess the effects his policies may produce for Australia.
Get the early insight on what changes may come for you and Australia’s economy if Donald Trump is elected as President for the 2nd time. Listen into Episode 212 now!

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UPI 211 – Properties To Avoid Like the Plague

Can you tell a good property from bad? This episode is all about properties to avoid like the plague. These can be hidden in plain sight, these can look like cracking good deals.
Don’t fall for the ticking time bomb properties. Know all the investor secrets and tips to make sure your next purchase isn’t a wrong one. Listen into episode 211 now!

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UPI 210 – Property Nightmares

As investors, we know that not every investment is a success. In real estate, failures can do a lot of harm to your portfolio and your financial well-being.
I’m sure you’ve all heard of bad experiences in real estate before, this episode is about never having a real estate horror story of your own.
Listen in and take notes, let’s all become safer investors to better our future.

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Latest Blogs

Australia’s #1 Place To Invest!

Investing is a lot about you and your ideals. You’re going to need to sort out your finances and determine what kind of properties to look into, but first and foremost you’re also going to have to choose a location to invest in.

In Australia, property investors are quick to jump at the big two markets: Sydney and Melbourne. It makes sense, that’s where most of the urban population live so demand is clearly there.

Sydney and Melbourne are global cities meaning they are overrun by people and struggle to keep up with infrastructure and change. They have no room to grow.

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Your Guide to Smart City Investing for Major Capital Growth

As our economy becomes more decentralised, we’re starting to see real estate investors become smarter with where they choose to buy.

Rather than seeking out areas of population growth – savvy investors know to look for neighbourhoods where knowledge is a big source of growth.

Knowledge areas are populated by smart businesses, smart governments and above all, smart people. These are people who are skilled, and generally come with money to spend which in turn results in a strong local economy.

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How To Level Up Your Property Investing Game in 2021!

During the first quarter of any new year, it’s a good time to look back, reflect and see what we learned in the previous 12 months that can help us keep moving forward. As property investors there was a lot to take away from 2020.
The impact of COVID-19 on the economy, falling interest rates, a drop in foreign investment and a stall in new-build construction all collided to make 2020 one of the most challenging years in real estate we’ve seen in decades.
But with every challenge, comes opportunity. Taking what we learned and saw in 2020 and making it work for us this year (and into 2022!) is what makes smart investors successful portfolio profiteers.
Let’s look back and see what we can learn from last year to propel our goals and outcomes that much faster in 2021.

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Speaking Engagements




Author – Speaker – Investor

Sam Saggers

CEO and Head Property Strategist