Author – Speaker – Investor
Sam Saggers
Investors Helped
Property Deals
billion dollars in real estate
About Sam
Sam Saggers grew up the poorest kid in the richest suburb of Sydney. But that’s a story for another day (which he unpacks on episode one). Sam’s work in real estate is rather unmatched; he has helped over 7500 property investors get a leg up in real estate through his work as a property investor.
Over the past 26 years, Sam secured over 10000 property investments totaling over 5.7 billion dollars for his clientele creating over $785,000,000 income for them.
Today, Sam shares his insights to others as an elder on wealth creation, the urban behavioural economy and future trends in real estate, urbanity and business. He is a world-class keynote speaker, a master of business, a futurist and best-selling author. Sam is a dedicated property investor both personally and professionally.
The Urban Property Investor
The Urban Property Investor podcast with host Sam Saggers brings together the latest news, strategies and ideas to help grow your personal wealth from investing in real estate. With a major premise to help you join the 1% of people who achieve financial independence, Sam Saggers advocates ways to replace your income, invest in property and retire rich using trends that form part of the urban landscape.
Latest Episodes
UPI 219 – What the US Rate Cut Means For Australian Real Estate
This episode explores the current economic landscape, focusing on the implications of the recent Federal Reserve rate cut in the United States and its potential effects on Australia.
Is a recession coming or are we headed for a soft landing? The trends in employment, and the challenges of housing affordability in Australia. It’s all here in this critical episode with all the important updates on our economy and real estate markets. Listen in and take action.
UPI 218 – Can Infrastructure Create Capital Growth in Real Estate?
51% of the world’s population lives in urban areas, with this figure expected to rise to 75% by mid-century. As part of this growth, implementation of infrastructure enhances productivity and economic growth as well as impacting real estate capital growth.
In this episode of the Urban Property Investor, Sam Saggers explores the critical role of infrastructure in driving economic growth and capital appreciation in real estate. He discusses the concept of ‘free riding’ on infrastructure improvements, sharing personal anecdotes of how infrastructure projects have positively impacted property values. The conversation delves into the distinction between earned and unearned growth, the phases of infrastructure impact, and current projects shaping the Australian landscape.
UPI 217 – Decoding Market Downturns To Find Value
The economy is driven by money and confidence, these two things together create a multiplier effect which leads to economic growth. When confidence is low and money is tight a high level of opportunity can arise.
As an investor, it’s critical that you can recognise these events and take action. Listen to episode 217 of The Urban Property Investor to get all the knowledge you need to never let an opportunity slip.
Latest Blogs
How To Become a Smart and Successful Property Investor in 2021
What do we need to know about real estate in 2021 that can help us be smarter and more successful investors?
And what can we learn from the past?
When it comes to real estate and what motivates and attracts us as buyers, renters or tenants, the past few generations have seen a dramatic change in what we desire from property.
Why Real Estate in 2022 Is Promising To Be the Biggest for Capital Growth
Becoming even more wealthier from real estate is now a thing of the future…the immediate future.
According to Bill Evans, the Chief Economist at Westpac – 2022 is promising big numbers for capital growth. Brisbane – 20 per cent, Perth – 18 per cent, Sydney – 14 per cent and Melbourne – 12 per cent.
How do we know this? Josh Frydenberg, Treasurer for the Australian Government announced it last year…
The Rebirth of Real Estate in a Changing World
The future of real estate is looking very different to the past which is largely being driven by a phygital world.
It’s called phygital because it’s part physical, part digital, and it’s creating colossal change in the landscape of real estate with a rebirth well and truly set to come.
Now we understand today that it is now possible, and often practical, for us to work from home. Therefore, your choice of real estate has become an even greater consideration.
Does the property offer a nice backyard or a good balcony to stretch your legs? Does it have a study or a spare room which you can use for work? All of a sudden, the idea of real estate has morphed into not just being a place where you go to sleep, but a place where many now work too.
Speaking Engagements