UPI 147 – Philip Lowe – Should He Go?
Show Notes
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Philip Lowe has to go! We have a nutjob in the reserve bank, he has raised interest rates in April to combat inflation. Which simply is not the right direction we need to be going in.
This episode will cover all the latest on inflation and interest rates. It’s become very topical because like Philip Lowe, our marketplace is headed to a tough spot that’s hard to dig out of. Come get the expert’s opinion, the tips and tricks to keep your investing out of harm’s way.
We talk about the realistic expectations of inflation, the four horsemen, the Golden Gopnik award race, and more!
Be sure to tune in!
Don’t hesitate to hit me up on Facebook @SamSaggers. DM me any of your questions 🙂
And remember, I’m really good on 1.25 or 1.5 speed 🙂
Take care,
1:02 – Golden Gopnik Award Leader
1:42 – What Are The Four Horsemen?
7:00 – Where Is Inflation Headed?
19:06 – Realistic Goals For Inflation