UPI 155 – Reviewing My Predictions
Show Notes
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It’s about time we reviewed some predictions of mine about the market since we’ve started this podcast.
In this episode we look back on some previous predictions for the market and score them based on their outcome. You get to see how well we’ve done in predicting the market, and what this can tell us about future predictions.
There are so many aspects covered off in this episode, from Brisbane’s boom, or even live work and play real estate.
It’s all here on this in-depth episode of The Urban Property Investor.
Don’t hesitate to hit me up on Facebook @SamSaggers. DM me any of your questions 🙂
And remember, I’m really good on 1.25 or 1.5 speed 🙂
Take care,
7:06 – Brisbane Boomed
12:46 – Live, Work & Play Real Estate
20:45 – The Economic Split
23:10 – Devalued Off Of Climate Change